We have aggregated the following resources about COVID-19 in maternal and infant health to help
hospitals teams safely and effectively respond to Coronavirus pandemic.
As the science is rapidly changing, we encourage you to consider the most recently available guidance and
resources from the Georgia Department of Public Health and the CDC.
The GaPQC Leadership team is here to support you. Email us at GaPQC@dph.ga.gov
COVID 19 Resources for GaPQC Maternal/Neonatal 4.7.20 (pdf)
DownloadDOFF-standard PPE (pdf)
DownloadDON-standard PPE (pdf)
DownloadDOFF -N95 PPE (pdf)
DownloadDON-N95 PPE (pdf)
DownloadCOVID-19 handout for NICU familes_Spanish_, final.pdf (pdf)
DownloadCOVID-19 handout for NICU families (pdf)
DownloadACOG - COVID-19 Obstetric Preparedness Manual (pdf)
DownloadNeonatal Article - Neonatal Late Onset Infection COVID-19 (pdf)
DownloadNeonatal Article - Vertical Transmission COVID-2020 (pdf)